Welcome to the IHANY Care Navigator page. What is IHANY? It stands for Innovative Health Alliance of New York. Formed in 2015, it is the Capital Region’s first network of providers from Ellis Medicine, St. Mary’s Healthcare, and St. Peter’s Health Partners, and has expanded to include 10 other community health partners. This physician-led endeavor focuses on whole-person care for the patient, focusing on access to care and the quality of that care to ensure a patient receives the physical, behavioral, emotional, and social services they need to ensure quality health outcomes, all while respecting the patient’s treatment choices.

We have created these links to help you navigate through the many health resources available to you through our provider organizations. Whether you are looking for a health care provider, health programs, or other social needs resources in your community, we have you covered.

Please click on the appropriate box below to see how we can help you attain your best health.

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